This List Of Research Topics Would Be Of Most Use To A Student Writing A Paper Titled
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Is Your Condition Eligible for SSD Benefits
Is Your Condition Eligible for SSD Benefits How Do You Know if Your Condition is Eligible for SSD? You or a loved one may have a debilitating condition that affects your mental and/or physical health, and like many, you may be wondering if you are eligible for disability benefits.But how do you know if your medical condition is considered a disability by the Social Security Administration (SSA)?The answer can be a little complicated. But we are here to help break it down and explain why partnering with a skilled disability attorney from the beginning can help you navigate the entire process.The SSA’s Definition of DisabilityFirst and foremost, its important to know that the SSA’s definition of disability is strict, and requires multiple factors. In order to be considered disabled:Your condition must be expected to last at least a year, or is terminal.You must not be able to complete the work you did before.You cannot adjust to other types of work due to the limitations of your condition.The SSA’s Listing of Impairments If you have answered yes to all of these questions, generally, the next step is to see if your condition meets or equals a listing in the SSA’s Blue Book, which is also called the Listing of Impairments.There you will find a number of listings of conditions, in 14 different
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Government Sales of Public Land (BLM)
Government Sales of Public Land (BLM) Contrary to bogus advertising, the U.S. government does not offer free or cheap land to the public. However, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an agency of the U.S. Department of the Interior, does occasionally sells parcels of publicly-owned land under certain conditions. The federal government has two major categories which it makes land available for sale to the public: real property and public land. Real Property is primarily developed land with buildings, usually acquired by the federal government for specific purposes, such as military bases or office buildings. Persons interested in buying real property should contact the General Services Administration (GSA), which is the federal agency responsible for selling developed surplus property.Public Land is undeveloped land with no improvements, usually part of the original public domain established during the western expansion of the United States. Most of this land is in the 11 Western States and Alaska, although some scattered parcels are in the East. Government Land Fast Facts The U.S. federal government no longer sells land to the public for less than the property’s appraised fair market value.The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) occasionally sells developed real property or undeveloped (raw) publicly-owned land by either direct sales or through competitive bidding at public auctions.Most undeveloped public land sold by the BLM is located in the Western States and Alaska. Developed real property, including buildings and utilities may be located in any part of the country.Under federal law, the BLM is required to hold most land and real property in public ownership, unless its disposal is deemed appropriate by the agency’s land use officials. Not Much Public Land for Sale The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is responsible for the sale of surplus public land. Because of congressional restrictions enacted in 1976, the BLM generally retains most public lands in public ownership. However, the BLM does occasionally sell parcels of land where the agency’s land-use planning division finds disposal of surplus is appropriate. What About Land in Alaska? While many people are interested in buying public land for homesteading in Alaska, the BLM advises that due to existing land entitlements to the State of Alaska and to Alaska Natives, no BLM public land sales will be conducted in Alaska for the foreseeable future. No Water, No Sewer The parcels sold by the BLM are undeveloped land with no improvements (water, sewer, etc.) and are usually located in the western states. The lands are generally rural woodland, grassland, or desert. How the Land is Sold The BLM has three options for selling land: modified competitive bidding where some preferences to adjoining landowners are recognized;direct sale to one party where circumstances warrant; andcompetitive bidding at a public auction. The method of sale is determined by the BLM on a case-by-case basis, depending on the circumstances of each particular parcel or sale. By law, the lands are offered for sale at fair market value. There is No 'Free' Government Land Public lands are sold at not less than fair market value as determined by a federal appraisal. Considerations such as legal and physical access, the highest and best use of the property, comparable sales in the area, and the availability of water all affect the land value. There are no free lands.By law, BLM must have the property to be sold appraised by a qualified appraiser to determine the current market value of the property. The appraisal must then be reviewed and approved by the Department of Interiors Appraisal Services Directorate. The minimum acceptable bid amount for a parcel of land will be established by the Federal appraisal. Who Can Buy Public Land? According to the BLM purchasers of public land must be: United States citizens 18 years of age or older;corporations subject to the laws of the United States or of any state;a U.S. state, state organization, or state political subdivision authorized to hold title or property; orentities capable of conveying and holding lands or interests therein under state law. Some federal employees are prohibited from buying public land and all buyers are required to submit a Certificate of Eligibility and may be required to submit articles of incorporation or other documentation. Can You Just Buy a Small Home Site? Many people are looking for small lots or parcels suitable for building a single home. While the BLM does occasionally sell small parcels suitable as home sites, the agency will not subdivide parcels of public land in order to facilitate a prospective buyer’s wish to acquire a home site. BLM determines the sizes and configuration of parcels for sale based on factors such as existing land ownership patterns, marketability, and costs of processing. What if You are the Low Bidder? Winning bidders on public land sold by competitive sales or at public auctions are required to submit a non-refundable deposit of no less than 20% of the bid amount before the closing of business on the day of the auction. In addition, all sealed bids must include guaranteed funds, such as a cashier’s check or money order, for no less than 10% of the amount of the bid. Balances of the total sale price must be paid in full within 180 days of the sale date. The public notices of the sales will contain detailed information on the requirements, terms, and conditions applicable to the sale.  How BLM Land Sales are Advertised Land sales are listed in local newspapers and in the Federal Register. In addition, notices of land sales, along with instructions to prospective buyers, are often listed on the various state BLM websites.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Federal Financial Assistance and Wage Control Essay
Federal Financial Assistance and Wage Control - Essay Example Public outrage at the bailouts and the government's haste in pushing through the economic package was huge and unprecedented, with other entities and industries also clamoring to be bailed out in a similar manner. This objective of this essay is to discuss the morality of using tax funds to bail out ailing corporate entities to avoid them becoming insolvent and whether the government should initiate wage controls and strict accountability policies when providing such funds. With respect to wage controls, the questions to be answered are why and how much, rather to what degree government must step in to control and prevent the misuse and abuse of bailout funds. Each of these questions is addressed in the different sections which follow. By its very definition, a capitalist or free market economy is built on competition and "survival of the fittest", with little or no government intervention. The success or failure of a business is determined by the way business is conducted and how such businesses deal with fluctuating market forces. In the current economic meltdown, it is quite obvious that many business entities played "fast and loose" with sound economic principles in order to maximize profits by following unsound credit practices and with inadequate risk management or controls in place. By doing so, they've traded long-term growth and profitability for short-term gains in the years preceding the sub-prime mortgage crisis. The latter acted as the trigger which brought down the American economy to its knees and led to the collapse of numerous financial institutions. This has forced the government to step in to bail-out distressed companies at the cost of its citizen taxpayers. Is such an intervention justified Th e answer is clearly a 'no', given the unique nature of a capitalist economy. Businesses are required to compete with each other in the marketplace, having a free hand in the usage of capital, labor and other resources, because the end goal is profitability. A company or business entity which does not adhere to the principles of a free market economy, or tries to derive unfair advantages by misusing its powers, is doomed to fail in the long run. This is the natural consequence of unfair competition and the corporation must face the same in the natural order of the market. However, such large-scale failures of several companies at the same time can have a disastrous effect on the economy and society as a whole, hence it raises the question of government interference to avoid a catastrophe, a rationale advocated by the Bush administration and Congress in providing the $700 billion bailout in 2008. According to Ingham (2008), in a capitalist economy, the market is a self-regulating entity and the state (or government) role should be limited to providing infrastructure and resources which help in sustaining a free market economy and intervening under only exceptional circumstances where the market fails to correct itself. Is the current economic crisis such a circumstance Common sense would indicate this to be so, but the next concern would be to what extent should the state intervene to resolve this issue The answer to this concern can be summarized as
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Production Possibilities Curve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Production Possibilities Curve - Essay Example In coming up with the production possibility curve, a number of assumptions have to be made. The model assumes that the goods being combined are only two. In addition, the curve also implies that they two goods can be interchanged. Interchanging of the two products does not affect the production of products and services desired. Furthermore, an assumption is also made that the factors of production do not vary. Similarly, an assumption is made that the period is limited, there are no technological changes, and all resources are utilized (Tucker, 2011). Most countries strive to manufacturer goods and services according to the production possibility curve. It is impossible for countries to produce goods and services beyond the production possibility curve. In addition, countries that produce in the curve are said to be inefficient. Precisely, it can be claimed that a country is not utilizing its resources adequately. The curve can shift outwards due to changes in a number of factors. Some of the factors may include advancement in technology and innovation of new methods of production (Russell, 2013).Furthermore, an outward shift can be brought about due to improved Gross Domestic Product and the economy in general. However, an inward shift of the curve is different. It is possible for the curve to shift inwards due to lack of sufficient factors of production. For instance, some countries entirely depend on oil as their primary factor of production. If such factors of production are, the production possibility curve will shift inward s. In addition, natural calamities can influence the curve to shift inwards (Tucker, 2011). Natural disasters lead to loss of lives. Consequently, the nation’s labor force is significantly reduced. Hence, a nation’s factor of production is significantly reduced forcing the curve to shift inwards. In addition, the natural calamities affect industry from operating. Most of the available
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Onlinr registration Essay Example for Free
Onlinr registration Essay Student Information System (SIS) is a web-base application soft ware designed to introduce a conducive and structured information. Exchange environment for integrating student, parents, teachers and administration of school or college (Ajhay 8). On the contrary, Manual Registration means that people are required or using physical skills and energy and worked or by hand and not by machine. The difference of these two kinds of registration are: before computer technology is not yet popular then that’s school or colleges are using manual registration. The students who undergo in enrollment procedure, which is very inconvenient, and hassle on the part of the student and of the enrollment staff as well. Here they need a lot of efforts to finish the steps that need to be done in a specific time. Steps are like filling up an application forms, falling in line passing it to a certain personnel and more. In addition, manual registration is time consumable and costly by means of transportation and other expenses. But now a days, with modern technology, it’s makes student’s life simple in many ways. In other college and university, like Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) they are already implementing this kind of system, for the easy and convenient of the student the system provides for students the option register courses, without the advisor`s prior approval, offered by their colleges during the scheduled registration periods. In this, the students can modify their course selection by adding and for dropping courses. Background of the Study The purpose of the topic is to know what is more efficient, effective and convenient way on how student can enroll. In these days, time, effort and money are such vital things that have to be use very efficiently to have a satisfactory outcome whatever work is to be done. Many student encountered lots of problem on how to enroll in their school, they get confuse on what is convenient when it comes in registration. Some people prepare manual than online registration because for their different reasons and vice versa. This research will know which more is, likely to use of students community. The main reason of choosing this study is to help our fellow students to choose what is the best way to be enrolled. Sub-reason is not to lose their time, effort and money in registering in their schools. We also come up to this idea because in Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) students are undergoing in online registration unlike in our former schools, which uses the manual registration. Since we are freshmen of this school, we first encounter online registration and we are confused using online registration (SIS). This research will help us and other students to know which is better, the manual or the online registration. This will also serve as our guide to choose which kind of system we will going to use in our next enrollment. Significance of the Study This research is important because it will provide convenience to the student who will undergo registration process. It will help them to choose which is the easiest way to enroll is and will also help them to decide which system of registration they will use. Statement of the Problem The research that we will conduct, will let us to find out what is most efficient, effective and convenient way to register by the students of Bachelor in Cooperatives, Polytechnic University of the Philippines of SY 2013-2014 This study will let us to the answer to the following research questions. Manual Registration advantage and disadvantage 1. 1. Is it costly? 1. 2. Is it time bound? 1. 3. Is it accessible? 1. 4. Is it time consuming? 1. 5. Is it reliable? 2. Online Registration advantage and disadvantage 2. 1. Is it costly? 2. 2. Is it time bound? 2. 3. Is it accessible? 2. 4. Is it time consuming? 2. 5. It is reliable Scope and Limitation This study seeks which is moreefficient to use manual or online registration; their advantages and disadvantages. Only 50 students from Bachelor in Cooperatives, Polytechnic University of the Philippines of SY 2013-2014 will involve. The study focused only on manual and online registration system, which is more likely to use between the two. Not include the manual operator and other online system. Definition of Terms Registration [mass noun] the action or of registering or of being registered (Oxford dictionary). Manual RegistrationMeans that people are faxing, mailing o phoning in their registration (Eply, 2010) Online RegistrationStudents allow through internet, to register, dropped or add courses within registration period and the adviser to do advising to the students by approving/reflecting some requested courses by the students by recommending (Ajman University). InternetAn electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world (Merriam Webster). Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies Local literature In other schools they are already implementing the online registration system for the ease and convenience of the students. However, some are still undergo in manual enrollment procedure which is very inconvenient and hassle on the part of the students, hence this is more easily to use because you don’t need to use some modern technologies that some students don’t have. (Butcon 9). These two has advantages and disadvantages. One is the generation of forms. The students needed to fill up four copies of registration form (copy for the student, accountant, registrar and dean). Students were consuming a lot of time in doing such. Since the students are manually filling-up the official documents of the school, data redundancy has a great possibility in causing further complexity in the enrollment process (Butcon 9). In the contrary, some colleges preferred online registration system because it is easier, accurate and organize when it keeping data. Tani says that â€Å"Online registration is more convenient to use because it is easy and fast they’re also more accurate than you probably are, when it comes to mathematical natural calculations. †Although manual registration is a waste of time, it is reliable and accessible because you are directly registered in a specific office. While in online registration, sometimes failure of connection occurred. Though modern technology arises some people don’t have it yet so others need to go to the place where they can avail internet connection. Foreign Literature There are many advantages of the online system over the manual system. The manual system is tedious and it is more error prone in comparison to the online system. We can handle our work much efficiently with the online system and it helps to save our time and money. The popularity of the online system is increasing day by day and most of the systems are being computerized nowadays. Now, you can buy your movie ticket through the online system, you neednt go to the several offices to pay your monthly utilities bill etc. You can just login into the system and pay instantly bills thus living the hassle free life. The online system is especially useful for getting information instantly. US department of Homeland and Security is using the online system to track the status of all the foreign student. Imagine, is it possible to know the status of millions of students if there is no such online system? Definitely answer is not. Another advantage of the online system is it is not as error prone as the manual system. When people need to do the same job then they usually make mistake, which causes the problem in information representation. The online system avoids such error and makes the life easier. Our life will be really green when everything is done through computer and there is no paper work. (John 2010) Local Studies In past few years the Iloilo State College of Fisheries Barotac Nuevo Campus relies only on a manual Enrolment System which in return it was uneasy, inaccurate and unreliable to the sake of the students and personnel involved. The lack of latest technology innovations specifically computers was one of the big reason why the proposed system was still on vision. Financial aspects is also a main concern why the institution still depend on a manual form of Enrolment System which has a great impact to a student and faculty in return specifically in Enrolment System (Pio 2013). During enrolment, it is undeniably noticeable on some problems and difficulties arising from each respective procedure, hence leading to minor errors and inaccuracy (Antony 2010). The technology today plays a vital role in our society. It makes man work easier and fast. It lessens error of work by using machines. It reduces costs to an organization from paper works up to computerized working system. Many manual transactions can be computerized by using software applications or computer systems to make work easier and efficient (Eunice 2011). Foreign Studies On these days, time, effort and money are such vital things that have to be used very efficiently to have a satisfactory outcome whatever work is to be done and some colleges and universities give importance about it. In the past couple of decades, computers and technology revolutionized one–slow processes, saving industries time and money ways not previously possible (Anderson 30). Online registration was beginning to be recognized for its operation in assisting university administration (Chao 3). A better understanding of the online registration should boost faculty and students self-confidence in using computer technology (Chao 14). But it is not bad to back in the basic- the manual registration like we used to do; hence use of online registration can help students realize some key characteristics using online service: simplicity, effectiveness, and convenience. Chapter 3 Research Methodology Research Design The research design was a descriptive method, particularly the survey. This method is use to know which is more efficient, effect and convenient to use, the manual registration or the online registration, by the students of Bachelor in Cooperatives in Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), in the present day. Respondents The target respondents of the survey are 50 students from the Department of Cooperatives and Social Development, College of Social Science and Development, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), Sta. Mesa Campus. This number of respondents are not too numerous but it enough to testify the research. Research Instrument The checklist structured survey, wherein the researchers prepared a list of questions that the respondents will check the level of their satisfaction according to their perception. The researchers also put a comment box, so the respondents can share their opinions about the topic assigned. Data- Gathering Procedure The data is gather form 50 students from the Department of Cooperatives and Social Development, College of Social Science and Development, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), who interview by the researchers. The researchers conduct the survey test in the students of Bachelor in Cooperatives, in their free time. The survey paper that they answer is recorded by the researchers as a whole. Statistical Treatment All responses are tallied before the researchers put in the table for the statistical treatment. Percentage is use to express the data gathered for subproblems 1 and 2. The formula for the percentage is: Where:p = percentage f = frequency N = total number of respondents
Thursday, November 14, 2019
black boy :: essays research papers
This novel is set in Harlem in New York City. The Grimes migrate to the North in search of new opportunities. Elizabeth bids goodbye to her aunt in Maryland and leaves with Richard. She arrives in New York with great expectations but she is sorely disappointed. "Here, in this great city where no one cared, where people might live in the same building for years and never speak to one another, she found herself, when Richard took her in his arms, on the edge of a steep place and down she rushed, on the descent uncaring, into the dreadful sea." New York is a big and bustling city but it is heartless. The only way Elizabeth and Richard make their existence meaningful is by visiting places of interest in the city on weekends. They go to the Central Park or the Museum of Natural history to take their mind off from the daily drudgery. John Grimes does the same when he has to escape out of his dingy quarters at Harlem. He climbs a hill nearby to view New York in all its majesty and imagines himself to be an influential figure in the city. From there he walks over to mid-town Manhattan and Central Park to get a feel of the city. John experiences a sense of freedom in all the places outside his home at Harlem. His house was "narrow and dirty; nothing could alter its dimensions, no labour could ever make it clean. Dirt was in the walls and the floorboards, and triumphed beneath the sink where roaches spawned; was in the fine ridges of the pots and pans, scoured daily, burnt black on the bottom, hanging above the store; was in the wall against which they hung, and revealed itself where the paint had cracked and leaned outward in stiff squares and fragments, the paper-thin underside webbed with black." In similar quarters live Florence and other Negroes like her. If they look out of their window, they can see "scraps of paper and frosty dust, and --- the hanging signs of stores and storefront churches." In the evenings, the Negro families visit the churches at Harlem called the ‘Temple of the Fire Baptized.’ "It was not the biggest church in Harlem, nor yet the smallest, but John had been brought up to believe it was the holiest and best." John and Roy attend the
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Work: Economic Growth and Theme Park Essay
It was a challenge for me to work on this undertaking. because it is a learning procedure for me that how. I could undertake this inquiry hence I collected primary and secondary informations for my undertaking and seek my best to analyse the whole state of affairs and bring forth a good Peace of work. I gather information about Theme Parkss called Alton tower. After acquiring the brief cognition about this subject park and their strength and failings. through buttocks to Alton tower web site. With the aid of some good secondary informations such as different web site and books beginnings. I used some selling schemes such as cleavage which is used to aim different types of consumers and it will assist to happen out how this subject park can make something new among other rival further I did a plague analyses. created a good pricing schemes which will assist this subject parks to make long term planning and let them to confront different menaces and jobs in a defensible manner. Political factor consequence really much because Government alterations often and every Government makes it ain policy. which cancel or postponed the old policies and new policies are implemented. which start their work from zero point and all the old work and policies result bootless. Such as subject park might hold jobs in pricing schemes. if Taxes increasing. expensive increasing. clocking factor etc so due to this it can act upon the subject park negatively. On other manus if authorities policies are in the favour of concern sector so might be possible that it will assist Alton. Tower and they can gain more net income borders. Such as late UK authorities has cut down the VAT value added revenue enhancement which will increase the demand of costumiers coming towards subject Parkss more so this show that it’s a good measure taken by authorities in favour of concern sector. . Government Development When it comes to development so authorities some clip can play a critical function in bettering the society criterion such as authorities can give financess to theme Parkss or supply good installations for people who comes over there for enjoyments such built sitting country. exigency aid desk. locator and maps of London in subject Parkss for tourers. Environmental protection and ordinance To protect the environment authorities ever coerce the subject park direction to be stick on this issue and cognizant there costumiers to follow the ordinance such as left eating points. garbic. should be through in ashcans and whole subject park should be Cover up by ashcans. Cars should be non allowed in subject Parkss they should hold separate parking pace due to pollution which is botching the environment. Government should set hoardings of Environmental protection and ordinance on entryway of subject Parkss to cognizant people. Contract implementing jurisprudence over costumer’s safety. In this factor authorities will ever seek their best to do certain that subject Parkss are holding good safety safeguard for costumiers and whole subject Parkss is to the full covered by CCTV so that they can support in good manner against any unsafe state of affairs. Economic Inflation In this factor if the monetary value addition over all the UK and there is high sum of rising prices in state so this will impact the subject park. because there will be a lessening in public disbursement due to rising prices. farther if rising prices is lifting so there will be increase in cost of subject Parkss such as disbursals will lift up. hence theme park will hold no other option left and they will increase their tickets monetary value besides. Economic development If the Alton subject Parks does a good concern of all time twelvemonth such as many people or tourer love to come to UK for enjoyment and in this instance Alton subject park Is a good illustration of amusement and many people would wish to see it due to this it will hold a positive impact over economic conditions of UK. such as there will be increase in GDP. Globalization will increase and there will be a large roar in tourer industry. Employment. Alton subject park is topographic point which is full of amusement and in this instance many people want to see it in different seasons such as summer holidaies is a good season in which subject Parkss are to the full crowded. To manage that demand of people Alton subject park will necessitate workers in their organisation every twelvemonth. Theme park can play a critical function in seasonal employment which is good for economic growing because unemployment will be reduced. Mac Gee ( 2004 ) Pg 415. ( themeparks UK. 2008 ) . titley. b. pg 378 ( 1993 ) . Social Life manner alterations. When we talk about life manner so now yearss different people have different life manner. Harmonizing to people they want something new in life so hence they decide to hold some good holidaies or vacations so that they can remain loosen up for some clip in such busy universe. so theme park like Alton can play a critical function in altering life manner of people this subject park can let people to remain relax and hold peace in their life such as it has good atmosphere. hotel nice merriment topographic point for household and twosomes. Population and age population and growing rate is a really of import factor which can act upon any concern in a positive or negative manner and when it comes to theme park like Alton tower. they need costumiers so that they can hold good concern growing and UK has a good population which is helpful to this subject park and in this population subject Parkss are more attractive towards childs about 10 to 15 or adolescent agers so this will assist Alton subject Parkss to make cleavage of people who can be interested in subject Parkss and so they can aim coevals X ( 10-16 ) and Y ( 16 – 20 ) . more. Populating conditions This is factor which Alton subject park should concentrate more because this subject Parkss have hotel agreements for costumiers hence they have to be perfect in maintaining good Quaintly standard life conditions so that clients are satisfied in a good manner and one time costumiers are happy signifier there services this will assist to better subject Parkss image and good growing in gross revenues what is pest analysis. ( 2008 ) .
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Fruitful Vacation
Holiday, A time everyone gets hyped up over, parents planning activities for the family to spend quality time with all the family members together. A holiday, I would never forget is a fruitful one which I have experienced last year with my entire family in the foahmulak beach. That is my loving grandfather’s island. That was the very first time I got a chance to visit there. We visited there on 27th of December 2012. By coincidence a great thing happened. That day was grandfather’s birthday. We were unaware of his birthday, but I heard my grandma was wishing him. At the moment my tongue was sticking out. I told my mum and dad about this great news. My parents decided to go for a picnic on the beach. It’s around nine o’clock; we went there in a pickup. We laughed, enjoyed a lot when we were in the pickup. Finally we arrived to the beach. I was totally lost in the scenic views that I forgot to blink my eyes when I saw the beach. Sea looked extremely beautiful. We bought some junk foods, fruits and grandfather’s birthday cake to eat. When I played in the beach it was relaxing for me. We played volley ball, hide and seek in the woods. Around five something we all went to sea to swim. My grandfather and grandmother were enjoying a lot. At last we all gave a surprise to grandpa. He cuts the cake, and we gave lots of gifts to him. Finally around seven we reached our home. This was remarkable day. Next day I visited all the family and friends houses. I had a great time. I have lifetime worth memories which I have spent with my family. It was the most amazing and spectacular experience of my life.My holiday was exciting and full of joy. I enjoyed it immensely.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Biology Lab Safety Guidelines
Biology Lab Safety Guidelines Biology lab safety rules are guidelines designed to help keep you safe while you are experimenting. Some equipment and chemicals in a biology laboratory can cause serious harm. It is always wise to follow all lab safety rules. Dont forget, the most helpful safety rule is to use plain old common sense. The following biology lab safety rules are a sample of the most basic rules that should be followed when in a biology lab. Most labs have the safety rules posted in a visible place and your instructor will most likely go over them with you before you begin working. 1. Be Prepared Before you enter a biology lab, you should be prepared for and knowledgeable about any lab exercises that are to be performed. That means you should read your lab manual to know exactly what you will be doing. Review your biology notes and relevant sections in your biology textbook before your lab begins. Make sure you understand all procedures and purposes, as this will help you understand the lab activities you will perform. It will also help you get your thoughts organized for when you have to write your lab report. 2. Be Neat When working in a biology lab, make sure you keep your area neat and organized. If you happen to spill something, ask for assistance when cleaning it up. Also, remember to clean your work area and wash your hands when you are finished. 3. Be Careful An important biology lab safety rule is to be careful. You may be working with glass or sharp objects, so you dont want to handle them carelessly. 4. Wear Proper Clothing Accidents do happen in a biology lab. Some chemicals have the potential to damage clothing. With that in mind, you want to make sure that the clothing you wear is something you could do without if it becomes damaged. As a precaution, wearing an apron or lab coat is a good idea. You will also want to wear proper shoes that can protect your feet in case something gets broken. Sandals or any type of open-toed shoes are not recommended. 5. Be Cautious With Chemicals The best way to remain safe when dealing with chemicals is to assume that any chemical you handle is dangerous. Be sure you understand what type of chemicals you are using and how they should be properly handled.If any chemical comes in contact with your skin, wash immediately with water and inform your lab instructor. Wear protective eyewear when handling chemicals, which brings us to the next rule. 6. Wear Safety Goggles Safety goggles may not be the most fashion-forward accessory and can fit awkwardly on your face, but they should always be worn when you are working with chemicals or any type of heating apparatus. 7. Locate Safety Equipment Be sure you know where to find all safety equipment in the biology lab. This includes such items as the fire extinguisher, first aid kit, broken glass receptacles, and chemical waste containers. Also be sure you know where all the emergency exits are located and which exit route to take in case of an emergency. 8. Biology Lab Donts There are several things in a biology lab that you must always avoid- here are a few major laboratory donts. Do Not eat or drink in the labtaste any chemicals or substances you are working withuse your mouth for pipetting substanceshandle broken glass with bare handspour chemicals down the drain without permissionoperate lab equipment without permissionperform your own experiments unless given permissionleave any heated materials unattendedplace flammable substances near heatengage in childish antics such as horseplay or pranks 9. Have a Good Experience Biology lab is an important aspect of any general biology or AP biology course. In order to have a good lab experience, make sure that you follow these biology lab safety rules and any instructions given to you by your lab instructor.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Road Workouts for Truck Drivers Part 2
Road Workouts for Truck Drivers Part 2 If you missed our last post, be sure you go back for Part 1 of Road Workouts- it covered some preparation steps you shouldn’t skip before launching into a new regimen. This post will focus more on specific exercises and muscle groups as suggested by the folks at This list of exercises should provide you with about two weeks worth of regular workouts–if you move from one exercise to another quickly, you can also score some cardio benefits! ShouldersFor many of these exercises, you’ll need only very light (if any) weights–shoulders are delicate, so go easy until you know you won’t be in danger of tearing or too sore the next day.Swimmers: Laying on your stomach, lift your arms out to the side a few inches and move them forward in unison as though swimming. Optional extension: Make small circles and slide your shoulder blades down your back.Lateral Extensions: While sitting upright or standing, bend your elbows so your hands point f orward and your elbows are tucked in at your waist. Raise your elbows until they’re almost even with your shoulders, then back down–almost like you’re imitating a chicken. Use moderate weights if you’d like.Delt Extensions: (Front) With your arms held straight at your sides, thumbs facing forward, raise your hands straight out in front and back down. (Rear) Reach back and out while raising your arms behind you in the same motion. This exercise may benefit from appropriate use of weights–just make sure you’re not locking your knees.Shrugs: Easy to do even while stopped in traffic, â€Å"shrug†with exaggerated motions. Raise your shoulders all the way to your ears and drop them back down, seeing how far you can slide your shoulder blades down your spine. Holding tension in the shoulders is very common, and shrugging and releasing can help you realize when you’re unconsciously clenching, which can contribute to upper and lower ba ck pain, and even headaches.ArmsOne temptation to avoid with arm exercises is using your torso to gain momentum or rock towards the weight being lifted. Instead, remain still and focus on the specific muscles you’re trying to flex.Bicep curls: Just like it sounds.Overhead Tricep Extensions: Stretching up and over your head to either side–if you practice this stretch against a resistant surface it can be a great side and back stretch too.Dips: Supporting your weight on your arms, raise and lower your body from a variety of angles.Forearm Curls: Same as with your bicep, just emphasizing the wrists.Grips: Think of it as arm wrestling prep–and don’t burn out your joints so it’s too hard to steer.ChestForm is especially crucial with chest work because it can lead to working arms or shoulders instead–when attempting any kind of push-up, make sure to also flex your core so you don’t strain your back muscles.Push-ups: Make this classic more c hallenging by moving your hands closer together (even attempt a diamond formation!) or further apart. Try having toes or knees on the floor, or clapping between each push.Incline push-ups: Place your hands on a surface that’s higher than your feet, so even on the â€Å"down†of the pushup, your upper body is at an upward angle from the ground.Decline push-ups: The opposite of the last version–put your feet up higher than your head and hands. Stand up gradually after this one so the blood doesn’t drain out of your head all at once and leave you dizzy.Uneven Pushups: Put one hand on a raised surface or platform and the other on the ground–make sure you even back out by swapping sides halfway through.BackSuperman: Similar to the swimmer, while laying on your stomach reach forward and up, and back and up, so your limbs are off the ground while flexing your torso. Extend past the ends of your fingertips and toes, and straighten your neck by looking at t he ground and reaching through the top of your head.Pull-Ups: Full disclosure I have never done a pull up in my life or a flex-and-hang for longer than a few seconds, but I do know they make portable bars you can install and easily take down, if you’re into that sort of thing.AbsIf you have a chance to take a pilates class (great for men especially, since they often don’t get the same kind of training that isolates abdominal muscles), focus especially on how to contract your core. Essentially you want to keep your lower back on the floor and contract your abs in order to â€Å"sit up†with your ribcage and upper torso.Sit-ups/Crunches: Practice holding your hands behind your head or straight up in the air (try holding a ball or other small weight), bringing your elbow to your opposite knee for an oblique crunch, or pulling your legs up to a 90 degree angle while you crunch toward your knees.Planks: With your hands planted on the ground or bracing on your elbows, planks are great for stretching after crunches–check out some beginners yoga online or in a studio near you for how to embellish with twists or stretch into upward-facing dog to counter all the crunching.Holds/Flexes: This one is great because you can do it sitting down, while driving or while standing around. Keep your abs flexed while you inhale, or make a game out of it while you’re behind the wheel.LegsBuild on the legwork that occurs during your cardio exercise with these additional stretchesWall-sits: With your back against a stable surface, slide down until your knees are over your toes (don’t let them go past!). See how long you can hold it, or for a more intense stretch, step away from the wall and bring your arms over your head.Lunges: Hands on hips, step forward and bend one knee to get both a leg and a groin stretch. Don’t forget to pay attention to the back leg–come onto your back toes and straighten that leg too.Calf raises: This is a great quick rest-stop stretch–find a curb and step on to it, then move your heels back gradually until they touch the ground. Lean forward into the stretch.Step-ups: Use the step of your truck or that  same study curb–raise your knees higher for an extra boost, and match it by moving your arms together in a large circle beginning to the right, raising over your head and coming down on the left, then reversing. Alternate which foot you start with for each repetition.Squats: Make sure your knee doesn’t bend in front of your toes–if it does, you’re going too far down and can start damaging your knee cartilage.As always, don’t forget to stretch out before and after every workout session, and rehydrate regularly. Pick an area to focus on each day, take a day off in between, and soon you’ll be feeling better on the road, and off.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Stock Market Investing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Stock Market Investing - Assignment Example This first pair of stocks belongs to companies involved in consumer non-durables (Coca Cola) and energy (Exxon Mobil) industries primary. Oil production is a world-known powerful business worth on investing. Nowadays all the geopolitics is somehow connected to energy sources, because without energy no production’s possible. However, this also brings specific risks. Like many oil companies, Exxon Mobil relies on oil from often unstable (politically, economically) regions. Thus, any geopolitical events can influence the stock prices. Coca Cola Company is an enterprise, working world-wide for many years, so there’re not many chances Coca Cola would bankrupt as consumer non-durables industry generally, is developing. However, Reeves admits that in 2015 when interest in bearing assets may be back, it would â€Å"rotate a lot of capital out of low-growth, low-dividend stocks like Coca Cola†(Reeves). Second pair of stocks (General Electric and Pepsi) looks pretty much like the first one, yet when looking into history of stock performances on NASDAQ, General Electric shows a poorer dynamic comparing to Exxon Mobil. Meanwhile, Exxon Mobile has their dividends growing during several last years, and though this year prices are decreased comparing to 2014, one can expect they rise along with profit. Coca Cola has generally stable dividends for 3 years with slight increase and performs better this year comparing to 2014. Pepsi performs with increasing success for the last years, increasing stock price and dividends too. Thus, it’s General Electric’s performing (too stable to earn money) what drags Pepsi down with. In third pair, Procter and Gamble has shown a decreasing trend during last months, and despite their dividends are increasing from year to year, other pair member, General Motors has only one year of dividends practice. Thus, it can be concluded that Coca Cola and Exxon Mobile
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