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Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay on 23rd Psalm- a Holocaust Memoir - 2122 Words
23rd Psalm- A Holocaust Memoir The Holocaust and war was no joking matter. Millions were executed both intentionally and unintentionally. Men, women, husbands, wives, parents, grandparents, and children; The SS didn’t care. Nor did the Poles, Germans, or anyone at all for that matter. Nobody cared about the â€Å"dirty Jews†, the â€Å"filthy dogs†, or the â€Å"swine dogs†. There were so many insults that it’s impossible to name them all. People were malnourished, lonely, and hopeless. This torture was part of the everyday life of a young man named Lucek Salzman (George Lucius Salton). This boy lost his parents at age 14 and his brother at age 15. He was beaten, he had paint poured over him, his latter was kicked by a German soldier (this ended up†¦show more content†¦When Lucek and his family arrived to the ghetto, they moved into a room with his Uncle Kalman and his wife Blima; six people- 1 room. Because Lucek was 14, he had to register himself telling his name, age, address in the ghetto, and vocation. I believe that the first sign of violence in the ghetto was when a Jewish man was locked outside the building and shot by some Germans right then and there. One day- the day that changed everything- Manek and Lucek went to the labor office and 4 Germans in their brown SA uniforms started taking peoples Kennkarten’s. They would either keep them, or give them back. Manek and Lucek were standing there; The German teacher turned out to be Maneks high school shop teacher; he recognized Manek and took both of their kennkarten’s. The next morning, the brothers kennkartens’s were stamped; The family was worried that Manek and Lucek had stamps and their parents did not. A few days later, the Salzman family found out that Mr and Mrs Salzman would be deported to a â€Å"Ukrainian Farm†. The stamp meant that you stayed in the ghetto; for days Mr. Salzman and Uncle Kalman tried to get the rest of the familes kennkarten’s stamped with hope that their family could stay together. At just age 14, Lucek lost his parents forever. The day that his parents were supposed to leave, Lucek insisted that he go with him; he begged and cried but his parents said no. This day was the last day that he would ever see his parents. As Lucek got older
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Why Looks Are the Last Bastion of Discrimination - 1735 Words
Why looks are the last bastion of discrimination In the 19th century, many American cities banned public appearances by unsightly individuals. A Chicago ordinance was typical: Any person who is diseased, maimed, mutilated, or in any way deformed, so as to be an unsightly or disgusting subject . . . shall not . . . expose himself to public view, under the penalty of a fine of $1 for each offense. Although the government is no longer in the business of enforcing such discrimination, it still allows businesses, schools and other organizations to indulge their own prejudices. Over the past half-century, the United States has expanded protections against discrimination to include race, religion, sex, age, disability and, in a growing†¦show more content†¦(In one study, economists Jeff Biddle and Daniel Hamermesh estimated that for lawyers, such prejudice can translate to a pay cut of as much as 12 percent.) When researchers ask people to evaluate written essays, the same material receives lower ratings for ideas, style and crea tivity when an accompanying photograph shows a less attractive author. Good-looking professors get better course evaluations from students; teachers in turn rate good-looking students as more intelligent. Not even justice is blind. In studies that simulate legal proceedings, unattractive plaintiffs receive lower damage awards. And in a study released this month, Stephen Ceci and Justin Gunnell, two researchers at Cornell University, gave students case studies involving real criminal defendants and asked them to come to a verdict and a punishment for each. The students gave unattractive defendants prison sentences that were, on average, 22 months longer than those they gave to attractive defendants. Just like racial or gender discrimination, discrimination based on irrelevant physical characteristics reinforces invidious stereotypes and undermines equal-opportunity principles based on merit and performance. And when grooming choices come into play, such bias can also restrict personal freedom. Consider Nikki Youngblood, a lesbian who in 2001 was denied a photo in her Tampa high school yearbook because she would not pose in a scoop-necked dress. Youngblood was not a rebelliousShow MoreRelatedA Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun by Linda Hasselstrom1553 Words  | 6 Pagesarticle I read is called â€Å"A Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun.†The author of this article is Linda M. Hasselst rom, a talented and highly respected poet, writing teacher and essayist. As a daughter growing up in a rural cattle ranch, she received a master’s degree in journalism and now ran her own ranch in South Dakota. As a freelance female author, she travels alone a lot. In the article, the author had a credible argument to explain why she chose to carry a gun. Hasselstrom had a solidRead MoreEssay about Women in Law Enforcement3546 Words  | 15 Pagesfrom the military, sports, and even the corporate world have long been dominated by an aura of masculine characteristics. Why is our society structured in such an uncivilized way? Some women may not possess the supposed masculine attributes that are sought for in numerous industries, but in all honestly just as many men fail to meet those requirements too. However, over the last few decades the feminist society started to recognize this male weakness and has now taken advantage of opportunities theyRead MoreThe Philippine Architec ture: Spanish Colonial Period18287 Words  | 74 Pagesconflicts became the center of Ferdinands foreign policy as king. In these battles, which established the supremacy of the Spanish Tercios in European battlefields, the forces of the kings of Spain acquired a reputation for invincibility that would last until the mid-17th century. After the death of Queen Isabella, Ferdinand, as Spains sole monarch, adopted a more aggressive policy than he had as Isabellas husband, enlarging Spains sphere of influence in Italy and against France. Ferdinands firstRead MoreCybersex10501 Words  | 43 Pagesrated as cybersex-compulsive. Failure to consider females’ problems with their Internet sexual expression leaves this special population at risk and without helpful clinical resources. This article examines how women’s web use compares with men’s, why females are overlooked in their Internet behaviors, offers details of women’s on-line activity, and suggests implications for women themselves and for those who treat them. Women’s cybersex activities are contrasted with a model of healthy sexualityRead MoreEthical Companies12021 Words  | 49 PagesList 10. Joaquin Almunia – Commissioner, European Competition Commissioner Category: Government and Regulatory Almunia makes the list again this year for the European Commission’s new antitrust rules for online sales that were issued in 2010. Last year we anticipated Almunia would rise quickly through the ranks of this list, and he did. We anticipate he will be back next year, too. Back to List 11. Barney Frank – Representative, U.S. House of Representatives Category: Government and Regulatory Read MoreEssay about The Results of Children in Fatherless Homes16087 Words  | 65 Pagespeople see the discussion as no more than an attack on struggling single mothers and their children: Why blame single mothers when they are doing the very best they can? After all, the decision to end a marriage or a relationship is wrenching, and few parents are indifferent to the painful burden this decision imposes on their children. Many take the perilous step toward single parenthood as a last resort, after their best efforts to hold a marriage together have failed. Consequently, it can seemRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesBosses†34 Case Incident 2 Era of the Disposable Worker? 35 vii viii CONTENTS 2 2 The Individual Diversity in Organizations 39 Diversity 40 Demographic Characteristics of the U.S. Workforce 41 †¢ Levels of Diversity 42 †¢ Discrimination 42 Biographical Characteristics 44 Age 44 †¢ Sex 46 †¢ Race and Ethnicity 48 †¢ Disability 48 †¢ Other Biographical Characteristics: Tenure, Religion, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity 50 Ability 52 Intellectual Abilities 52 †¢ Physical AbilitiesRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 PagesManaging Change 121 121 147 147 Text 3. Why Organizations Change Text Cohen †¢ Effective Behavior in Organizations, Seventh Edition 14. Initiating Change 174 174 Text iii Cases 221 221 225 The Consolidated Life Case: Caught Between Corporate Cultures Who’s in Charge? 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And the reunification of Germany and the reemergence of international terrorism, which were powerfully symptomatic of the unprecedented reach and intensity of the processes of globalization on either side of the otherwise unremarkable last and first years of the old and new millennia, represented both a return to trends reminiscent of the opening decades of the twentieth century and a major break from the prevailing dynamics of the cold war. In addition to the problems posed for conceptualizing
Monday, December 9, 2019
Strategic Business Management for Organizational - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theStrategic Business Management for Organizational Process. Answer: Traders Joes is one of the well-known names in the retail sector of business in Washington, D.C that first came up in the year 1967. The company famous for its grocery products handles its outsourcing business with enough efficiency so that it can give a tough competition to its rivals (Joes, 2015). The company maintains its product complement by bringing in products that are of private labels. In a store of Trader Joes more than 80% of the products are of private labels. Mention can be made of Traders Joes extensive range of private label products under the brand names like Trader Joes, Trader Mings, Trader Jose and so forth. This has enhanced the growth of the company unlike the other retail stores (Joes, 2015). Another important approach that Traders Joes has taken is not to follow trends. In its place, the company has focused its business strategy by introducing new products that the customers had never used before (KENYA, OBAGA, 2016). Apart from this, another significant approach of Traders Joes that can be mentioned is that the products of the company are mainly targeted at the sophisticated consumers and hence the products of Traders Joes differ from other retail grocery stores (Joes, 2015). Moreover, the company preserves a dynamic product mix by launching 10-15 products each week and as a result it has at times created confusion among both the employees and the customers. In the recent years, due to gradual increase of demands for the companys product the company must open its new stores in certain locations where customers can easily access it as well as the company can expect a huge profit from the selling of its products (KENYA, OBAGA, 2016). References Joes, T. (2015). Trader Joes. KENYA, D., OBAGA, E. M. (2016). The Importance Of Strategic Content, Strategic Context And Organizational Process Factors To Effective Strategy Implementation: A Case Study Of.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Iroquois Kinship free essay sample
This paper is going to introduce the Iroquois kinship. Kinship can best be defined as a system of social relationships, or in simpler terms a system of family. Kinship can be seen in our everyday lives within our own circle of family and friends, and how we classify them in regards to importance and how we treat them based on our classifications of them. Kinship can best be defined as a system of social relationships, or in simpler terms a system of family. Kinship involves how people classify each other, the rules that affect people’s behavior and people’s actual behavior†(Nowak and Laird, 2010). Kinship can be seen in our everyday lives within our circle of family and friends, and how we classify them in regards to importance and how we treat them based on our classifications of them. For example, you may love your best friend and treat them with respect but would you respect your best friend more than you respect your mother? This provides us with an insight o f the kinship systems. We will write a custom essay sample on Iroquois Kinship or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Iroquois are a female dominated group. Unlike most societies, the Iroquois trace their ancestry through the women making them a matrilineal society. It is a culture of responsibility and respect, where each person is valued for their contribution to the group. Women are the main producers of food and owners of the land. Men help by clearing and burning forest areas to prepare for farming and hunting small game. The younger adults are expected to do a greater share of the work due to their youth, strength, and stamina†(Laird and Nowak, 2010). The structure of the Iroquois kinship system gives responsibilities of all members regardless of age of their sex. â€Å"The males are responsible for hunting and clearing the land. The younger adults are expected to do a greater share of the work due to their youth, strength, and stamina†(Laird and Nowak, 2010). The Iroquois people are known as the Haudenosaunee or The People of the Longhouse. The Iroquois Indians are a horticultural society located in the Northeast region of North America. Horticultural societies use a atrilineal system of succession because the women have the primary responsibility for provision of food and goods for the family. This includes property, land, hunting and fishing territories, animals, and even knowledge. The likelihood of a society being or remaining a matrilineal society depends upon how much food is obtained from hunting and herding. The more men contribute by gathering food, the greater their importance and roles will become. Because the Iroquois primarily rely on farmed foods for sustenance and trading, the women maintain the power status (Nowak amp; Laird, 2010). The Iroquois live in long houses because they have large extended families. In the Iroquois culture, the woman in a marriage holds most of the power. After a marriage the husband lives with the wife’s community. The longhouses provide separate living quarters for each family to occupy. Divorce exists as part of the Iroquois culture. If the wife no longer desires to be married, she simply places her husband’s belongings in front of the house indicating he has been removed from the family. If there are children involved, the children will remain with the mother. There some similarities between our culture and the Iroquois. The role of the female can be correlated when thinking of providing food for the family. The women gather food at the store as opposed to harvesting in the fields. Men also seem to have a correlation in they work they have responsibility to complete. Many males are involved in hunting for food and preparing an area or situation the female needs to complete a task much as the Iroquois prepare the field for planting. When comparing the Iroquois culture of kinship to personal family situations, many similarities emerged. The family members care for the elderly members in their homes. Several generations live in each of the homes. One family, living in a daughter’s home, includes the oldest grandmother, the grand-daughter and her husband, and two grand-sons. Another family unit, living in the daughter’s home, includes the second eldest woman and her husband, their daughter, a grand-daughter and two great-grandchildren. The daughters care for the older generation as well as helping the younger generation as they grow. The elder members of the family often try to run everyone else’s lives by instructing them on what they should and should not do and when they should do it. The Iroquois culture is one of the rare cultures of the world because it practices matrilineal descent. The Iroquois are matrilineal, the women hold most of the power in their tribes. Women are large contributors to the Iroquois food sources and greatly influence decisions made in the tribe. In a Iroquois marriage is where the woman holds most of her power and the children belong to her clan. If she is not satisfied with her husband, she can simply pack his things for him and send him back to his childhood tribe. The Iroquois used nature and the natural resources around them to meet their needs. The Iroquois is a matrilineal culture. Unlike most societies the Iroquois are a female dominated group and every person in the family has their own responsibilities. Each person is valued for their contribution to the group.
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